Homosexuality: A Biblical Worldview (Paperback)
作者: Roger Price 
書城編號: 27955164

原價: HK$180.00
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出版社: Trilogy Christian Pub
出版日期: 2024/04/23
重量: 0.24 kg
ISBN: 9798890417084


"Jesus said to the people who believed in him, 'You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth, will set you free.'" ( John 8:32, NLT)

With all the deception, disinformation, misinformation, propaganda, and blatant lies being promoted regarding the issue of homosexuality and transgenderism, it is very important to "Get the truth and never sell it" (Proverbs 23:23a, NLT). I wrote this book so others can learn the truth about what God thinks about homosexuality. It will give you a good understanding regarding this topic and enable you to help your children, family, friends, associates, students, church members, and even your critics avoid getting caught up and misled by the misinformation.

Roger Price 作者作品表

Homosexuality: A Biblical Worldview (Paperback)

eBook: Homosexuality: A Biblical Worldview (DRM EPUB)

Revolution and Reaction: 1848 and the Second French Republic (Paperback)

eBook: Revolution and Reaction: 1848 and the Second French Republic (DRM PDF)

eBook: Revolution and Reaction: 1848 and the Second French Republic (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Economic Modernisation of France (DRM PDF)

eBook: Economic Modernisation of France (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Social History of Nineteenth-Century France (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Social History of Nineteenth-Century France (DRM PDF)

350 Circle Maze Puzzles: Volume 1 (Paperback)

Tales From 'The Portly Pixie': Of Cabbages and Kings (Paperback)

eBook: Religious Renewal in France, 1789-1870: The Roman Catholic Church between Catastrophe and Triumph (DRM PDF)

eBook: Religious Renewal in France, 1789-1870: The Roman Catholic Church between Catastrophe and Triumph (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Church and the State in France, 1789-1870: 'Fear of God is the Basis of Social Order' (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Church and the State in France, 1789-1870: 'Fear of God is the Basis of Social Order' (DRM PDF)

eBook: Modernization of Rural France: Communications Networks and Agricultural Market Structures in Nineteenth-Century France (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Modernization of Rural France: Communications Networks and Agricultural Market Structures in Nineteenth-Century France (DRM PDF)

Documents on the Second French Empire, 1852-1870 (Paperback)

eBook: Documents on the Second French Empire, 1852-1870 (DRM PDF)

Concise History of France: Volume 1 (Paperback)

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