Garfield: Full Course 3 (Paperback)
作者: Mark Evanier 
分類: Adventure stories (Children's / Teenage)  
書城編號: 27956518

原價: HK$182.00
現售: HK$172.9 節省: HK$9.1

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出版社: Kaboom
出版日期: 2024/07/02
重量: 0.26 kg
ISBN: 9781608862276

The laughs and lasagna never end, dig into the next tasty full course adventure!

Fresh out of the oven, it's more of Garfield's comic book adventures-because you can never have too much of a good thing! Follow Garfield as he gets caught in a time warp, battles monsters both in the forest and under the bed, and faces two of his greatest foes: the Calzone Creature and Zombie Meatballs. Garfield also makes some new friends (maybe even a new girlfriend?) and enters a race against the World's Fastest Cat. Meanwhile, Nermal finds himself shipped out of town by a certain fat feline, and Liz encounters a scary sorceress. Garfield creator Jim Davis is joined by acclaimed writers Mark Evanier and Scott Nickel and artists Andy Hirsch, David DeGrand, Gary Barker, and more for the 3rd course of the six volume meal! Collects Garfield #17-24.

Mark Evanier 作者作品表

Garfield: Full Course 3 (Paperback)

Garfield: Full Course (Paperback)

Jack Kirby's Dingbat Love (Hardcover)

Grumpy Cat & Garfield (Hardcover)

Kirby (Paperback)

Garfield (Paperback)

Art of the Simon and Kirby Studio (Hardcover)

Rocky & Bullwinkle (Paperback)

Star Wars (Paperback)

Spirit (Paperback)

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