Griselda Snook's Spectacular Books (Hardcover)
作者: Barry Timms 
書城編號: 27956595

原價: HK$190.00
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出版社: Tiger Tales
出版日期: 2024/07/02
重量: 0.48 kg
ISBN: 9781664300460

When a young boy named Henry steps into Griselda Snook's Halloween-themed bookstore, he's certain that he won't find a book that's just right for him--or will he?

When Henry finds a key on the sidewalk and gives it to its owner, he follows her into a huge bookstore. Griselda Snook's Spectacular Books, which features a vast array of Halloween-themed books and caters especially to Halloween characters, has books for every interest. Despite the variety in choices, Henry isn't convinced that he'll find anything for himself. Could a guest reader at the store, Magenta Screech, have the perfect book for Henry?

Barry Timms 作者作品表

Ten Christmas Bottoms (Paperback)

Ten Green Bottoms (Board book)

Ten Red Bottoms (Paperback)

Griselda Snook’s Spectacular Books (Paperback)

Griselda Snook's Spectacular Books (Hardcover)

The Sleepiest Sleep (Paperback)

The Sleepiest Sleep (Hardcover)

This Is Not a Dinosaur! (Hardcover)

Ten Green Bottoms (Paperback)

This is NOT a Polar Bear! (Paperback)

This is NOT a Polar Bear! (Hardcover)

This Is Not a Unicorn! (Hardcover)

A Pinch of Love (Hardcover)

A PINCH OF LOVE (Hardcover)

The Twelve Green Days of Christmas (Paperback)

Donde Vive La Felicidad (Hardcover)

This is NOT a Dinosaur! (Hardcover)

This is NOT a Dinosaur! (Paperback)

Love Grows Everywhere (Illustrated Edition) (Paperback)

Noah and the Starbird (Paperback)

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