School Trip (Paperback)
作者: Perdita Cargill 
書城編號: 27956596

原價: HK$70.00
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出版社: Tiger Tales
出版日期: 2024/08/13
重量: 0.14 kg
ISBN: 9781664340787

The sixth-grade trip to a spooky castle is Bea's first time away from home, and she's nervous. Can her friends help her overcome her fears and enjoy the trip?

Living in Little Spellshire is the best, and Bea wouldn't want to be anywhere else! Even though she is VERY excited about her upcoming school trip, she's also a little nervous--it's her first witchy school trip and the farthest she's been from home and from Dad. The sixth graders will be going to one of the spookiest castles EVER. Can Bea overcome her fear of being away from home and enjoy the trip? Maybe with the help of her friends! With black-and-white illustrations throughout.

Told through Bea's diary entries, the Diary of an Accidental Witch series invites readers to follow Bea on a humorous journey of self-discovery as she learns where she truly belongs.

Perdita Cargill 作者作品表

Ghostly Getaway (Paperback)

School Trip (Paperback)

Flying High (Paperback)

Secret Spells (Paperback)

New Girl (Paperback)

Halloween Ball (Paperback)

Take Two (Paperback)

Casting Queen (Paperback)

Waiting for Callback: Take Two (Paperback)

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