Zero at the Bone: Fifty Entries Against Despair (Paperback)
作者: Christian Wiman 
分類: Poetry anthologies (various poets)  
書城編號: 27961583

原價: HK$200.00
現售: HK$190 節省: HK$10

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出版社: Picador
出版日期: 2024/12/03
重量: 0.45 kg
ISBN: 9781250338419


Christian Wiman braids poetry, memoir, and criticism to create an inspired, career-defining work.

Few contemporary writers ask the questions about faith, morality, and God that Christian Wiman does, and even fewer--perhaps none--do so with his urgency and eloquence. Wiman, an award-winning poet and the author of My Bright Abyss, lays the motion of his mind on the page in this genre-defying work, an indivisible blend of poetry, criticism, theology, and searing memoir. As Marilynne Robinson wrote, "[Wiman's] poetry and his scholarship have a purifying urgency that is rare in this world . . . [It] enables him to say new things in timeless language, so that the reader's surprise and assent are one and the same."

Zero at the Bone begins with Wiman's preoccupation with despair, and through fifty brief pieces, he unravels its seductive appeal. The book is studded with the poetry and prose of writers who inhabit Wiman's thoughts, and the voices of Wallace Stevens, Lucille Clifton, Emily Dickinson, and others join his own. At its heart and Wiman's, however, are his family--his young children (who ask their own invaluable questions, like "Why are you a poet? I mean why?"), his wife, and those he grew up with in West Texas. Wiman is the rare thinker who takes on the mantle of our greatest mystics and does so with an honest, profound, and contemporary sensibility. Zero at the Bone is a revelation.

Christian Wiman 作者作品表

Zero at the Bone: Fifty Entries Against Despair (Paperback)

eBook: Zero at the Bone: Fifty Entries Against Despair (DRM EPUB)

Zero at the Bone: Fifty Entries Against Despair (Hardcover)

eBook: Survival Is a Style: Poems (DRM EPUB)

Joy (Paperback)

eBook: He Held Radical Light: The Art of Faith, the Faith of Art (DRM EPUB)

He Held Radical Light (Hardcover)

eBook: Mein heller Abgrund (DRM EPUB)

Joy (Hardcover)

eBook: Hammer Is the Prayer: Selected Poems (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Once in the West: Poems (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Every Riven Thing: Poems (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Ambition and Survival: Becoming a Poet (DRM PDF)

eBook: Ambition and Survival: Becoming a Poet (DRM EPUB)

eBook: My Bright Abyss: Meditation of a Modern Believer (DRM EPUB)

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