The Game Master's Deck of Boons and Banes: 40 Game-Changing, Character-Shifting Cards and a Companion Book for 5th Edition RPG Adventures (Paperback)
作者: Ginny Di 
分類: Role-playing, war games & fantasy sports  
書城編號: 27964368

原價: HK$200.00
現售: HK$190 節省: HK$10

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出版社: Media Lab Books
出版日期: 2024/10/01
重量: 0.45 kg
ISBN: 9781956403886


Ginny Di's The Game Master's Deck of Boons and Banes is one of those unique additions to the table that will leave a lasting impression on players and their in-game characters. 10 out of 10.
―Jenny Melzer, Comic Book Resources

Whether you're looking to reward your party for a job well done or show them the consequences of angering the wrong deity, The Game Master's Deck of Boons and Banes can bring a shifting power dynamic to every sessions.

Conceived by tabletop RPG expert Ginny Di and featuring 20 boon and 20 bane cards, all stunningly illustrated by Tim Foley, this deck will help you advance player goals or hurl them (and your story) in an entirely different direction. Upon drawing a bane card, for example, a character might suffer a curse that threatens to strangle them the more active they are. However, pulling a boon could very well bestow a blessing from a higher power, such as a pair of guardian wolves that travel with the character wherever they go. The exact composition of the deck is up to the GM. The boons are a great temptation--but drawing a bane could bring about a crippling result. Players will need to weigh the odds every time.

The deck also comes with a companion book, including a description of each card's effect and how it impacts the PC who drew it, as well as 80 side quest ideas (two for each card) and helpful recommendations for scaling card effects up or down depending on the level of the characters drawing from the deck.

The Game Master's Deck of Boons and Banes is a true game changer for your game!

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