eBook: Esperanza (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: David Jeremiah 
書城編號: 27969112

原價: HK$156.00
現售: HK$148.2 節省: HK$7.8

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製造商: Tyndale House Publishers
出版日期: 2021/09/07
ISBN: 9781496458032

Para muchos, la preocupacion, la ansiedad y el miedo son companeros constantes: miedo a la muerte, miedo al peligro, miedo a la enfermedad. En el mundo impredecible y contencioso de hoy, quien puede culparnos?Con demasiada frecuencia, estos temores son paralizantes y nos roban la vida que Dios nos ha llamado a vivir. Hay esperanza alguna en medio de toda esta oscuridad?Si, la hay. Como cristianos, se nos ha dado todo lo que necesitamos para enfrentar hasta los obstaculos mas aterradores, inesperados y abrumadores de la vida. En Esperanza, el Dr. David Jeremiah explora los siete miedos principales que nos impiden vivir la vida a la cual Dios nos ha llamado. Tambien nos comparte secretos para enfrentar estos temores con la esperanza puesta en Dios. Con cada pagina, aumentara su conviccion de que Dios es la respuesta que ha estado buscando. Al mirar hacia el futuro, comenzara a ver nada mas alla del poder y el amor de Dios protegiendo cada paso que usted da. Camine hacia la verdad y comience a vivir y a disfrutar la vida para la cual Dios lo creo.For many people, worry, anxiety, and fear are constant companions: fear of death, fear of danger, fear of disease. In today's unpredictable and contentious world, who can blame us?All too often, these fears are crippling, keeping us from the life God has called us to live. Is there any hope amidst all this darkness?There is. As Christians, we have been given all we need in order to face down even the most frightening, unexpected, and overwhelming obstacles in life. In Hope, Dr. David Jeremiah explores the top seven fears that are holding so many of us back from the life God has called us to live and shares secrets for facing down these fears with hope in God. With each page, you'll grow in your conviction that God is the answer you've been looking for. As you look to the future, you'll begin to see nothing except his power and love guarding your every step. Step into the truth and start living the fearless life God created you to enjoy.
David Jeremiah 作者作品表

60 Days of Bible Prophecies: The Truth Behind End-Time Warnings (Paperback)

The Whole Story: A 52-Week Devotional Journey Through Every Book of the Bible (Hardcover)

The Coming Golden Age: 31 Ways to Be Kingdom Ready (Hardcover)

The Great Disappearance: 31 Ways to Be Rapture Ready (Paperback)

Keep the Faith: How to Stand Strong in a World Turned Upside-Down (Paperback)

Experience Egypt: Detailed Personal Experience on my Journey to Egypt (Paperback)

Encouraging Words for a Discouraging World (Hardcover)

The World of the End: How Jesus' Prophecy Shapes Our Priorities (Paperback)

The Great Disappearance: 31 Ways to Be Rapture Ready (Hardcover)

Experience Croatia: Journey through a Mediterranean Wonderland (Paperback)

Experience Portugal: Unveiling Portugal's timeless treasures (Paperback)

生命的标志 Signs of Life (Paperback)

Croatia Travel 2023: Exploring Croatia: An unforgettable journey through Europe's undiscovered Gem (Paperback)

Thailand Smart Travel Guide 2023: Travel Tips for Tourist (Paperback)

Profecía: Preguntas Y Respuestas (Paperback)

The World of the End: How Jesus' Prophecy Shapes Our Priorities (MP3 CD)

The World of the End: How Jesus' Prophecy Shapes Our Priorities (Compact Disc)

After the Rapture: An End Times Guide to Survival (MP3 CD)

After the Rapture: An End Times Guide to Survival (Compact Disc)

eBook: Why the Nativity? (DRM EPUB)

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