eBook: Law and Morality: A Survey of Ideas, Issues, and Cases (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: 1 
分類: Philosophy ,
Ethics & moral philosophy ,
Jurisprudence & philosophy of law  
書城編號: 27969871

售價: $1248.00

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製造商: Ethics International Press
出版日期: 2023/11/25
頁數: 684
ISBN: 9781804410318
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This book provides a survey of important topics arising out of the interaction of law and morality, primarily within the American legal tradition. Its focus is on an examination of relevant case law. The book is divided into three sections: (1) Theory: Some general theories of the relation between law and morality. (2) Method: How the law attempts to deal with evolving issues of law and morality using the common law and the ethical and procedural norms of judicial reasoning; (3) Practice: A survey of topics where case law is seen as a response to controversial moral conflicts that arise within American culture and social life. Law and Morality can be seen as a core text for courses in the general area of 'law and morality' or 'law and ethics' taught in philosophy departments; multi-disciplinary curricula involving Philosophy, Politics, and Law; pre-law courses on an undergraduate level; and courses in law schools that take up 'law and philosophy' issues. It is an important reference work for international legal scholars, and those interested in obtaining in a single volume a broad range of information about how the American legal system has evolved in dealing with moral and ethical conflicts through law.
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