eBook: Ethics in Education: Contemporary perspectives on research, pedagogy and leadership (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: 1 
分類: Decision theory: general ,
Education ,
Higher & further education, tertiary education  
書城編號: 27970279

售價: $1092.00

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製造商: Ethics International Press
出版日期: 2023/11/25
頁數: 362
ISBN: 9781871891423
>> 相關實體書

It is critically important for emerging professionals in education to be sensitised to the ethical and moral responsibilities of their practice throughout their training and beyond. There is a wide disparity in contemporary practice in this regard, which points to a need for greater clarity and consistency in our thinking about ethics within education. Ethics in Education attempts to meet this need, and will be a valuable resource for students, teachers and researchers in education, health and social sciences. Most significantly, the increasing awareness of the importance of ethics, diversity and social pedagogy in the teacher education curriculum will ensure that this book becomes essential reading or recommended reading for initial teacher education and CPD courses in education.The Editors have gathered together an exciting and dynamic group of contributors across many fields of English education, and asked them to help rethink the role of ethics in education in the 21st century. The types of questions that we address include: Do we have a shared view of ethical practice? What are the values that underpin ethical practice? What are our ethical responsibilities as pedagogues?
1 作者作品表





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