eBook: Self- and Other-Reference in Social Contexts: From global to local discourses (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Nevala Minna Nevala, Palander-Collin Minna Palander-Collin 
系列: Pragmatics & Beyond New Series
分類: Semantics, discourse analysis, etc  
書城編號: 27971241

售價: $1196.00

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製造商: John Benjamins Publishing Company
出版日期: 2024/03/15
頁數: 201
ISBN: 9789027247094

The chapters in this volume study the construction, representation and negotiation of a variety of social roles through self- and other-reference markers or the discussion of reference as a tool for identification. The chapters uncover new insights both from a historical and present-day perspective and show how positioning the self and other varies, what kind of reference choices language users make and what follows from these choices. The data come from a variety of public texts, private encounters and questionnaires, and the methodologies range from macro to micro perspectives, including combinations of qualitative close-reading and quantitative corpus methods, and synchronic and diachronic perspectives. The findings enhance our understanding and use of reference practices in the context of global, institutional, political and multicultural, as well as media texts.
Pragmatics & Beyond New Series

eBook: Cultural Pragmatics of Danger: Cross-linguistic perspectives (DRM EPUB)

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eBook: Structures in Discourse: Interaction, adaptability, and pragmatic functions (DRM EPUB)

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eBook: (Non)referentiality in Conversation (DRM PDF)

eBook: Pragmatics of Hypocrisy (DRM PDF)

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eBook: Self- and Other-Reference in Social Contexts: From global to local discourses (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Self- and Other-Reference in Social Contexts: From global to local discourses (DRM PDF)

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eBook: Exploring the Ambivalence of Liquid Racism: In between antiracist and racist discourse (DRM PDF)

eBook: Manufacturing Dissent: Manipulation and counter-manipulation in times of crisis (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Language Change in the 20th Century: Exploring micro-diachronic evolutions in Romance languages (DRM PDF)

eBook: Manufacturing Dissent: Manipulation and counter-manipulation in times of crisis (DRM PDF)

eBook: Language Change in the 20th Century: Exploring micro-diachronic evolutions in Romance languages (DRM EPUB)

A Pragmatic Agenda for Healthcare: Fostering inclusion and active participation through shared understanding (Hardcover)

eBook: Pragmatic Agenda for Healthcare: Fostering inclusion and active participation through shared understanding (DRM EPUB)

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