C-B-Ond 20/20 Journal (Paperback)
作者: Christine Bond 
書城編號: 27974841

原價: HK$120.00
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出版社: Bookbaby
出版日期: 2024/04/25
ISBN: 9798350949827

This book talks about the ability to discern and understand events across the seven pillars of society, not through human might or technological advancement, but through the power of the Holy Spirit - a supernatural understanding. This concept reinforces Biblical texts and narratives, particularly the idea that true vision and insight come not from earthly perception but from a Divine source.

The eye in the graphic represents this divine vision, a way of perceiving the world that transcends ordinary sight. It's about looking beyond the tangible and understanding the deeper truths that govern our existence. The graphic stands as a metaphor for spiritual insight, the ability to see with the "Eyes of God," and the empowerment that comes from this unique perspective.

Christine Bond 作者作品表

C-B-Ond 20/20 Journal (Paperback)

C-B-Ond 20/20 (Paperback)

eBook: Using Medicines Information (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Using Medicines Information (DRM PDF)

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