The Magic Merry-Go-Round (Hardcover)
作者: Jennifer Daniel 
書城編號: 27978930

售價: $270.00

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出版社: Lulu Pr
出版日期: 2023/10/22
重量: 0.23 kg
ISBN: 9781312002548

Jake and Cole were thinking of an easy way to make money so they could by an ice cream cone. The boys decided to asked Jake's grandma if she would pay them to walk her bulldog, Ditzy. The walk was normal until a discovered map and a spin of the merry-go-round. Next thing they knew, Jake, Cole and Ditzy were in an unfamiliar land. Jake and Cole discovered that dog walking is more of an adventure than they expected!
Jennifer Daniel 作者作品表

The Magic Merry-Go-Round (Hardcover)

The Magic Merry-Go-Round (Hardcover)

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