The EC Archives: The Vault of Horror Volume 5 (Paperback)
作者: Carl Wessler 
分類: Graphic novels  
書城編號: 27979060

原價: HK$252.00
現售: HK$239.4 節省: HK$12.6

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出版社: Dark Horse Comics
出版日期: 2024/10/22
ISBN: 9781506736402

Dark Horse Comics brings even more macabrely majestic stories from the Vault!

Now in an affordable oversized paperback, this terrifying tome features dozens of horrifying tales drawn by all-star comic artists Johnny Craig, Graham Ingels, Joe Orlando, Jack Davis, Jack Kamen, Graham Ingels, and George Evans!

Collects Vault of Horror issues #36-#40.

Carl Wessler 作者作品表

The EC Archives: The Haunt of Fear Volume 5 (Paperback)

The EC Archives: The Vault of Horror Volume 5 (Paperback)

The EC Archives: Shock Suspenstories Volume 3 (Paperback)

Ec Archives: Piracy (Hardcover)

Ec Archives: Valor (Hardcover)

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