Logic and Information (Paperback)
作者: Edwin Mares 
分類: Semantics, discourse analysis, etc ,
Philosophy: logic ,
Probability & statistics  
書城編號: 27981222

售價: $238.00

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出版社: Cambridge
出版日期: 2024/06/30
ISBN: 9781009466738

This Element looks at two projects that relate logic and information: the project of using logic to integrate, manipulate and interpret information and the proect of using the notion of information to provide interpretations of logical systems. The Element defines 'information' in a manner that includes misinformation and disinformation and uses this general concept of information to provide an interpretation of various paraconsistent and relevant logics. It also integrates these logics into contemporary theories of informational updating, probability theory and (rather informally) some ideas from the theory of the complexity of proofs. The Element assumes some prior knowledge of modal logic and its possible world semantics, but all the other necessary background is provided.
Edwin Mares 作者作品表

Logic and Information (Paperback)

Logic and Information (Hardcover)

eBook: Logic and Information (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Logic and Information (DRM PDF)

eBook: Priori (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Priori (DRM PDF)

Priori (Paperback)

eBook: Priori (DRM PDF)

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