Tier One (Mass Market Paperbound)
作者: Brian Andrews 
書城編號: 27982995

原價: HK$150.00
現售: HK$142.5 節省: HK$7.5

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出版社: Blackstone Pub
出版日期: 2024/05/07
重量: 0.32 kg
ISBN: 9798874717216


Will a soldier turned spy choose duty or revenge?

In a world violated by terror, the old lines have blurred. Meet the next generation of covert ops.

John Dempsey's life--as an elite Tier One Navy SEAL named Jack Kemper--is over. A devastating terrorist action catapults him from a world of moral certainty and decisive orders into the shadowy realm of espionage, where ambiguity is the only rule. His new mission: hunt down those responsible for the greatest tragedy in the history of the US Special Ops and bring them to justice.

But how does a man torn between duty and revenge walk the line and preserve his soul?

As Dempsey struggles with the games of spies, the case propels him across the globe in a desperate effort to prevent a new, horrifying attack on American soil.

Once, John Dempsey followed orders blindly. Now he sees behind the curtain, and the security of the civilized world rests on one question: Can a Tier One Navy SEAL adapt and become the world's most lethal spy?

Brian Andrews 作者作品表

Tom Clancy Act of Defiance (Mass Market Paperbound)

Tom Clancy Defense Protocol ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

Tom Clancy Defense Protocol ((Large Print)) (Paperback)

Tom Clancy Defense Protocol (Compact Disc)

Tom Clancy Defense Protocol (Hardcover)

Tom Clancy Act of Defiance ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

Red Specter (Mass Market Paperbound)

American Operator (Mass Market Paperbound)

Crusader One (Mass Market Paperbound)

Tom Clancy Act of Defiance (Hardcover)

Tom Clancy Act of Defiance (Compact Disc)

Tom Clancy Act of Defiance ((Large Print)) (Paperback)

War Shadows (Mass Market Paperbound)

Tier One (Mass Market Paperbound)

Sons of Valor III: War Machine (Compact Disc)

Sons of Valor III: War Machine (MP3 CD)

The Sandbox (Hardcover)

The Sandbox (Compact Disc)

The Sandbox (Paperback)

The Infiltration Game (MP3 CD)

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