Geometric Gems: An Appreciation for Geometric Curiosities - Volume II: The Wonders of Quadrilaterals (Paperback)
作者: Alfred S. Posamentier 
書城編號: 27984367

售價: $380.00

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出版社: World Scientific Pub Co Inc
出版日期: 2024/08/22
ISBN: 9789811292293

Our physical world is embedded in a geometric environment. Plane geometry has many amazing wonders beyond those that are briefly touched on at school. The quadrilateral, one of the basic instruments in geometry, has a plethora of unexpected curiosities. The authors present these in an easily understood fashion, requiring nothing more than the very basics of school geometry to appreciate these curiosities and their justifications or proofs.The book is intended to be widely appreciated by a general audience, and their love for geometry should be greatly enhanced through exploring these many unexpected relationships in geometry. Geometric Gems is also suitable for mathematics teachers, to enhance the education of their students with these highly motivating quadrilateral properties.
Alfred S. Posamentier 作者作品表

Fun Math: Problem Solving Beyond the Classroom (Hardcover)

Mathematics in Architecture, Art, Nature, and Beyond (Hardcover)

Geometric Gems: An Appreciation for Geometric Curiosities - Volume III: The Wonders of Circles (Paperback)

Geometric Gems: An Appreciation for Geometric Curiosities - Volume III: The Wonders of Circles (Hardcover)

Geometric Gems: An Appreciation for Geometric Curiosities - Volume II: The Wonders of Quadrilaterals (Hardcover)

Geometric Gems: An Appreciation for Geometric Curiosities - Volume II: The Wonders of Quadrilaterals (Paperback)

Geometric Gems: An Appreciation for Geometric Curiosities - Volume I: The Wonders of Triangles (Paperback)

Geometric Gems: An Appreciation for Geometric Curiosities - Volume I: The Wonders of Triangles (Hardcover)

Sharpening Everyday Mental/Thinking Skills Through Mathematics Problem Solving and Beyond (Paperback)

Sharpening Everyday Mental/Thinking Skills Through Mathematics Problem Solving and Beyond (Hardcover)

The Fabulous Fibonacci Numbers (Paperback)

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eBook: Secret Lives of Numbers: Numerals and Their Peculiarities in Mathematics and Beyond (DRM PDF)

eBook: Math Tricks: The Surprising Wonders of Shapes and Numbers (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Math Tricks: The Surprising Wonders of Shapes and Numbers (DRM PDF)

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Math Makers: The Lives and Works of 50 Famous Mathematicians (hardcover)

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