Distant Earths is the sequel to Parallel Worlds, collecting 27 stories of science fiction and fantasy by author Addison Smith. Within these pages you'll find strange kaiju and sentient robots, alien fungus and shipwrecked lovers, all with tiny drabbles--stories themselves in 100 words--in between.
Spill-Free and Sparkling
Rituals Upheld
His Monstrous Cloaca
Choose Your Side
A Golem Made of You
Personal Apocalypse
By Moonlight Guided
A Heartbeat Resonates Through Hull and Bone
The Devil's in the Details
A Noble Quest
Aspiration Extermination
Shipminds and Angels Bound
My Ship to the Depths
I Am Meat
The Locked Prophet
Tide Pool Leavings
The Oathtaker, Servant of Draghtai the Undying
Through Bonded Flesh
A Mind Not My Own
A Perfect Recreation
Not Good Enough
And One Pulsing Egg
With Hands Unstilled
Playtime Aboard the Aegis
For You I Return