Successful Manufacturing Transformation: Rapidly Get Out of Manufacturing Crisis and Achieve Global Manufacturing Competitiveness (Hardcover)
作者: Azlan Nithia 
書城編號: 27986176

售價: $340.00

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出版社: Partridge Pub Singapore
出版日期: 2024/04/03
重量: 0.56 kg
ISBN: 9781543781595

This book is a good practical handbook for every manufacturing leaders and it is based on proven and successful manufacturing transformation practices, on how to get a manufacturing organization out of an extreme operational crisis (or nearing a closure). Transforming an organization in crisis and turning it around from a manufacturing crisis and finally to be able to achieve global competitiveness in manufacturing operations in any country. This book is based on extensive work experience, learning from failures and successes, experimentations, and proven approaches by the author himself. It references to the author's various successful manufacturing transformations achieved at large-scale multi-national manufacturing organizations and how the author re-positioned those organizations into becoming a globally competitive operation. If an organization is always thinking about global competitiveness, and constantly driving its organization towards world class efficiencies, delivering the sustainable competitiveness in cost and with the best lead-times, it is almost impossible to get eliminated by any other competitions globally. The manufacturing organizations that slowly starts to slip away from being at world class efficiencies and its metrics start losing its global competitiveness, in cost, lead time and productivity will not be able to compete with the global competitions. These are the organizations that will easily get into a manufacturing crisis, loses its competitiveness and finally it loses its total business to its competitors. These companies will ultimately get wiped out of the business. This book is also about reimagining the manufacturing industries to achieve global competitiveness by the successful adoption of greater digital technologies of a connected factory to increase efficiency, speed and agility. This requires the ability to be able to rapidly transit into the new smart manufacturing paradigm with how to achieve the status of Smart Manufacturing, Factory of the Future and to be quick in responding to the demanding market changes with the digitally connected operations and the marketplace. A detailed step by step approach is clearly explained and how to overcome those implementation challenges.
Azlan Nithia 作者作品表

Successful Manufacturing Transformation: Rapidly Get Out of Manufacturing Crisis and Achieve Global Manufacturing Competitiveness (Hardcover)

Successful Manufacturing Transformation: Rapidly Get Out of Manufacturing Crisis and Achieve Global Manufacturing Competitiveness (Paperback)

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