Building AI-Powered Products: A Product Manager's Guide (Paperback)
作者: Marily Nika 
分類: Computer programming / software development  
書城編號: 27988922

原價: HK$450.00
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出版社: Oreilly Media
出版日期: 2024/12/03
ISBN: 9781098152703


Looking to leverage artificial intelligence in your products? This comprehensive book provides a clear and actionable framework to help product managers build AI-powered products that meet the needs of users and drive business growth. Author Marily Nika guides you through the most popular use cases that AI can solve and describes the technologies you can leverage for each use case.

With this book, you'll quickly learn the tools and skill set you need throughout the AI product life cycle, and you'll understand how to create effective roadmaps for the products you're building. By the end of the book, AI product managers will be well-versed in AI and machine learning basics and will learn how to make the right trade-offs, identify the right use cases, and work effectively with research and engineering teams.

This guide will help you:

  • Build a framework that identifies opportunities for leveraging AI in products
  • Understand the use cases that AI can help you solve
  • Create a team with the skills and expertise to execute AI-powered products
  • Learn best practices for measuring the success of AI-powered products
  • Understand the ethical and legal considerations that come with building AI products
  • Collaborate with scientists, engineers, and key stakeholders
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