Usborne Encyclopedia of Planet Earth (Paperback)
作者: Anna Claybourne 
書城編號: 27989552

原價: HK$200.00
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出版社: Usborne Books
出版日期: 2024/09/03
重量: 0.75 kg
ISBN: 9781835405819

A comprehensive introduction to physical geography including information on the climate, volcanoes, erosion, the weather, ecosystems and humans. Fabulously illustrated with photographs, maps, diagrams and illustrations that will capture the imagination of young readers. Includes an extensive glossary, fact finder and world records. With internet links to recommended websites with maps, quizzes, games and homework information. The material in this book is also available as part of the Usborne Geography Encyclopedia.
Anna Claybourne 作者作品表

Neurodiverse Planet (Paperback)

A Whole World of...: Birds (Paperback)

A Whole World of...: Minibeasts (Paperback)

Find the Funny: Life in the Rainforest (Paperback)

Find the Funny: Life in the Ocean (Paperback)

Hungry Planet (Hardcover)

Funny Science: How do X-Rays Solve Mysteries? The Strange Science of Machines (Hardcover)

Funny Science: How does it Rain Fish? The Strange Science of Planet Earth (Hardcover)

Evolution for Curious Kids: An Illustrated Introduction to Inheritance, Paleontology, Natural Selection and More! (Hardcover)

A Comic Strip History of Planet Earth: Part 2 From Dinosaurs to Now (Hardcover)

Find the Funny: Prehistoric Life (Paperback)

Find the Funny: Tech in the City (Paperback)

Disgusting Science: Gruesome Plants (Hardcover)

A Whole World of...: Rocks and Minerals (Hardcover)

A Whole World of...: Plants and Fungi (Hardcover)

Around the World in 80 Horses (Hardcover)


A Whole World of...: Mammals (Paperback)

A Whole World of...: Prehistoric Life (Paperback)

Disgusting Science: Human Body Horrors (Hardcover)

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