Every Home a Foundation: Experiencing God Through Your Everyday Routines (Hardcover)
作者: Phylicia Masonheimer 
分類: Christian life & practice ,
Personal Christian testimony & popular inspirational works ,
Time management ,
Family & relationships ,
Advice on parenting ,
Self-help & personal development  
書城編號: 27992909

原價: HK$300.00
現售: HK$285 節省: HK$15

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出版社: Thomas Nelson Pub
出版日期: 2024/12/17 (快將出版)
ISBN: 9780785292265


"The home is the "primary seat of discipleship" from which Christians can best serve God, according to this graceful guide...Masonheimer makes a creative, open-minded case that the domestic and the divine need not be mutually exclusive." --Publisher's Weekly

What if our homes and the work that goes on inside them are not "in the way" of our calling but are instead the way to live well and disciple effectively? Reimagine the Christian home as the firm foundation of a life filled with faith, joy, contentment, and belonging, even in the midst of everyday tasks.

In Every Home a Foundation, Phylicia Masonheimer invites readers to reconsider their view of home. The Christian home is an image of both a coming spiritual reality and the existing spiritual reality of our family, the church. Through Christ, we can heal and build a home that brings joy to us and love to others.

Every Home a Foundation will transform readers' view of home from a place of boredom to a place of purpose, train them to find joy in their daily tasks, and equip them to use their home to love others well by

  • focusing on healing our view of home and creating a culture of faith;
  • exploring the purpose in the mundane tasks of the home, including cooking, cleaning, laundry, mending, tending, and creating beauty;
  • and learning the importance of hospitality and creating a covenant home culture.

Masonheimer offers a unique perspective on the importance of home in a modern world. Home is much more than a physical structure--it's a place of belonging and connection that has been strongly tied to God's mission from the beginning. God wants to build a home for His people, emphasizing the importance of homes as central for the Christian life.

With an enthusiastic and friendly tone, Every Home a Foundation is sure to have readers reflecting on the importance of home in our lives and how we must strive to protect and honor it in all its forms.

Phylicia Masonheimer 作者作品表

Every Home a Foundation: Experiencing God Through Your Everyday Routines (Hardcover)

Every Woman a Theologian: Know What You Believe. Live It Confidently. Communicate It Graciously. (Paperback)

eBook: Every Woman a Theologian: Know What You Believe. Live It Confidently. Communicate It Graciously. (DRM PDF)

eBook: Every Woman a Theologian: Know What You Believe. Live It Confidently. Communicate It Graciously. (DRM EPUB)

Every Woman a Theologian: Know What You Believe. Live It Confidently. Communicate It Graciously. (Compact Disc)

Every Woman a Theologian: Know What You Believe. Live It Confidently. Communicate It Graciously. (MP3 CD)

eBook: Stop Calling Me Beautiful: Finding Soul-Deep Strength in a Skin-Deep World (DRM PDF)

eBook: Stop Calling Me Beautiful: Finding Soul-Deep Strength in a Skin-Deep World (DRM EPUB)

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