Rosie Woods in Rosielocks and the Three Bears (Paperback)
作者: Maya Myers 
書城編號: 27993043

原價: HK$90.00
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出版社: Picture Window Books
出版日期: 2024/08/01
重量: 0.08 kg
ISBN: 9781484688403

For a group research project, Rosie's team is assigned the topic of bears. Rosie is thrilled and dives right into planning the PERFECT group presentation. But things go awry when Rosie decides the other "bears" in the group are doing too much of this, or too little of that. Their ideas just don't line up with hers. Can Rosie find a way to make the project "just right" for everyone, or will her self-appointed role as "chief bear" cause a bear brawl? Author Maya Myers, former K-1 teacher and classroom literacy specialist, infuses this tale with clever curricula and captures the antics, excitement, drama, and hilarity of elementary school. Rich back matter offers additional curriculum support.
Maya Myers 作者作品表

Polar Babies (National Geographic Kids Explore! Readers, Pre-Reader) (Library Binding)

Rosie Woods in Jack and the Bean Shock (Paperback)

Rosie Woods in Little Red Writing Hood (Paperback)

Rosie Woods in Rosielocks and the Three Bears (Hardcover)

Rosie Woods in the Three Billy Goats Graph (Paperback)

Rosie Woods in Rosielocks and the Three Bears (Paperback)

Rosie Woods in the Three Billy Goats Graph (Hardcover)

National Geographic Readers Hippos (Level 1) (Library Binding)

National Geographic Readers Hippos (Level 1) (Paperback)

Not Perfect (Hardcover)

Rosie Woods in Jack and the Bean Shock (Hardcover)

Rosie Woods in Jack and the Bean Shock (Paperback)

Rosie Woods in Little Red Writing Hood (Hardcover)

Rosie Woods in Little Red Writing Hood (Paperback)

Not Little (Hardcover)

Not Little (Hardcover)

National Geographic Readers: Llamas (L1) (hardcover)

National Geographic Readers: Llamas (L1) (paperback)

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