The Instrument Surprise (Hardcover)
作者: Andrew Bambridge 
書城編號: 27993101

原價: HK$227.00
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出版社: Picture Window Books
出版日期: 2024/08/01
重量: 0.2 kg
ISBN: 9781484694510

The first time Bo sees the shiny black clarinet, he knows that is the instrument for him! But when he gets a chance to try it out, he discovers that his short arms, due to his achondroplasia, don't reach all the keys properly. Bo is disappointed, until he remembers that every problem has a solution . . . which sometimes means a whole new plan! Musician, educator, and actor Andrew Bambridge (Pixels) offers a charming chapter book series about a boy named Bo who, like Andrew, has achondroplasia and has always loved music.
Andrew Bambridge 作者作品表

The Piano Pedal Problem (Hardcover)

The One-Of-A-Kind Drum Kit (Hardcover)

Band Tryout Troubles (Hardcover)

The Instrument Surprise (Hardcover)

The Piano Pedal Problem (Paperback)

The One-Of-A-Kind Drum Kit (Paperback)

Band Tryout Troubles (Paperback)

The Instrument Surprise (Paperback)

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