Clever Crow (Hardcover)
作者: Chris Butterworth 
書城編號: 27995632

原價: HK$190.00
現售: HK$180.5 節省: HK$9.5

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出版社: Candlewick Books
出版日期: 2024/07/09
重量: 0.41 kg
ISBN: 9781536235425

For young bird-watchers and enthusiasts of the natural world comes a beautiful, eye-opening picture book about the familiar but ever-surprising crow.

Crows may not have flashy feathers, beautiful songs, or fancy flying skills, but if a crow looks at you with its small, round eye, you can be sure that it's thinking, as these birds have very big brains. Did you know that crows will use a stick to poke into a crevice to tease out tasty bugs? Or that they like to play like kids by tumbling down a snowy roof? Or that they remember where they hide their food--but sometimes only pretend to bury a treat to fool other birds? Original and accessible, with Chris Butterworth's welcoming text and gorgeous, expressive artwork from Olivia Lomenech Gill, Clever Crow is sure to generate newfound respect for these unassuming creatures that young readers come across every day.

Chris Butterworth 作者作品表

Leading Excellence: 5 Hats of the Adaptive Leader (Paperback)

Clever Crow (Hardcover)

Clever Crow (Hardcover)

Enterprise Alignment and Results (Hardcover)

eBook: Enterprise Alignment and Results: Thinking Systemically and Creating Constancy of Purpose and Value for the Customer (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Enterprise Alignment and Results: Thinking Systemically and Creating Constancy of Purpose and Value for the Customer (DRM PDF)

Things That I Love About Trees (paperback)

How Does My Home Work? (Paperback)

Things That I LOVE about TREES (Hardcover)

How Does My Home Work? (Hardcover)

Seahorse: The Shyest Fish in the Sea (Paperback)

See What a Seal Can Do (Paperback)

See What a Seal Can Do (Hardcover)

Lunchbox (Hardcover)

Sea Horse: The Shyest Fish in the Sea (paperback)

Seahorse (Paperback)

Seahorse (Paperback)

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