The Missing: The True Story of My Family in World War II (Paperback)
作者: Michael Rosen 
書城編號: 28001442

原價: HK$90.00
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出版社: Candlewick Books
出版日期: 2024/08/20
重量: 0.14 kg
ISBN: 9781536236217

"An important work that is immensely personal, powerful, and heart-wrenching." --Kirkus Reviews (starred review)

"They were there at the beginning of the War, but they were gone by the end. I suppose they died in the camps."

That's all young Michael Rosen, born in England just after the Second World War, was told about his family members who had been living in Poland or France when the war began. This wasn't enough. So, as an adult, he searched for them. In a unique mix of memoir, history, and poetry, scholar and children's literature luminary Michael Rosen explores his family history, digging up more details than he ever thought he would and sharing them so that now, a lifetime after the Nazis tried to make the world forget the Rosen family and the rest of Europe's Jews, his readers can do something essential: remember. With an extensive list of titles for further reading, maps of France and Poland, a family tree, and an introduction by lauded author and anthologist Marc Aronson, this immensely readable narrative offers a vital tool for talking to children about the Holocaust against the background of the ongoing refugee crisis.

Michael Rosen 作者作品表

Out Of This World: Poems to Make You Laugh, Smile and Think (Paperback)

Snow White and the Seven Bears (Paperback)

Oh Dear, Look What I Got! (Hardcover)

One Day: A True Story of Survival in the Holocaust (Hardcover)

One Day: A True Story of Courage and Survival in the Holocaust (Hardcover)

The Incredible Adventures of Gaston le Dog (Paperback)

Michael Rosen's Totally True (and totally silly) Bedtime Stories (Hardcover)

We're Going on a Bear Hunt Nature Adventures: 30 Outdoor Activities for Young Explorers All Year Round (Hardcover)

Snore! (Paperback)

Shoo! (Paperback)

Oww! (Paperback)

Goldilocks and the Three Crocodiles (Paperback)

Rosen’s Almanac: Weird and wonderful words for every day of the year (Hardcover)

eBook: Rosen s Almanac: Weird and wonderful words for every day of the year (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Rosen's Almanac: Weird and wonderful words for every day of the year (mp3 zips)

eBook: Out Of This World: Poems to make you laugh, smile and think (mp3 zips)

eBook: Not-So-Little Red Riding Hood (mp3 zips)

eBook: Out Of This World: Poems to make you laugh, smile and think (mp3 zips)

I Am Wriggly (Hardcover)

The Missing: The True Story of My Family in World War II (Paperback)

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