National Security Through the Lens of the 'Five Eyes' Nations: Analyzing Domestic and Homeland Considerations for Intersectoral Collaboration (2024) (
作者: John Michael Weaver 
分類: International relations ,
International institutions ,
Warfare & defence  
書城編號: 28003516

售價: $490.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: Palgrave Macmillan Ltd
出版日期: 2024/07/18
重量: 0.34 kg
ISBN: 9783031587290
>> 相關電子書


This book analyzes the 'Five Eyes' nations' concerns and policies relating to national security threats through an interdisciplinary theoretical engagement with the Political, Information, Security and Economic (PISE) Model. Through the analysis of secondary data sources such as scholarly and government reports, policy documents, press releases and interviews, the author analyzes the five case studies--Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK, and the USA--to determine how and why nations use the PISE variables to shape favorable homeland security outcomes, to determine what the points of homeland intersectoral collaboration are among the 'Five Eyes' nations. In so doing, Weaver determines that although the 'Five Eyes' countries have concerns about homeland security and each, individually, identifies threats and hazards, they do also employ collaborative measures to build resilience and increase efforts to prepare for anticipated security breaches.

John Michael Weaver 作者作品表

National Security Through the Lens of the 'Five Eyes' Nations: Analyzing Domestic and Homeland Considerations for Intersectoral Collaboration (2024) (

eBook: National Security Through the Lens of the 'Five Eyes' Nations: Analyzing Domestic and Homeland Considerations for Intersectoral Collaboration (

eBook: National Security Through the Lens of the 'Five Eyes' Nations: Analyzing Domestic and Homeland Considerations for Intersectoral Collaboration (

eBook: Intelligence Analysis and the United States: Threats to the Hegemony (DRM PDF)

The "Five Eyes" Intelligence Sharing Relationship: A Contemporary Perspective (2024) (Hardcover)

Intelligence Analysis: Domestic and Foreign Threats Confronting the Biden Administration (Hardcover)

eBook: Intelligence Analysis: Domestic and Foreign Threats Confronting the Biden Administration (DRM PDF)

eBook: U.S. Cybersecurity and Intelligence Analysis Challenges (DRM PDF)

eBook: U.S. Cybersecurity and Intelligence Analysis Challenges (DRM EPUB)

eBook: NATO in Contemporary Times: Purpose, Relevance, Future (DRM PDF)

eBook: NATO in Contemporary Times: Purpose, Relevance, Future (DRM EPUB)

Contemporary Intelligence Analysis and National Security: A Critical American Perspective (Hardcover)

Global Intelligence Priorities: (from the Perspective of the United States) (Hardcover)

eBook: Global Intelligence Priorities (from the Perspective of the United States) (DRM PDF)

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