Recent Trends in Plant Breeding and Genetic Improvement (Hardcover)
作者: Mohamed A. El-Esawi 
書城編號: 28005680

售價: $1500.00

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出版社: Intechopen
出版日期: 2024/03/27
重量: 0.54 kg
ISBN: 9781837699476

The significant enhancement of desirable traits in vegetables and crops can be achieved through the utilization of diverse approaches in plant breeding. These approaches are crucial in developing vegetables and crops that exhibit enhanced yield, disease resistance, and adaptability to fluctuating environmental factors, ultimately contributing to the establishment of sustainable and resilient agricultural practices for ensuring food security. This book delves into the fundamental principles and recent breakthroughs in plant breeding and genetic improvement. It focuses on the application of physiological and molecular approaches to augment plant tolerance to stressful environmental conditions. Additionally, the book provides plant breeders, researchers, and scientists with updated insights into the prospective developments in plant breeding.
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