New Insights Into Conrad and Poland (Paperback)
作者: Wieslaw Krajka 
分類: Education  
書城編號: 28010105

原價: HK$490.00
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出版社: Maria Curie Sklodowska Univ Pr
出版日期: 2024/11/26
ISBN: 9788322797778


Despite the large number of publications on Joseph Conrad's Polishness--including previous volumes of the series Conrad: Eastern and Western Perspectives--many questions remain. New Insights Into Conrad and Poland, edited by Wieslaw Krajka, brings together a variety of thematic and methodological approaches in search of new insights. After the opening chapter, which comments on Polishness as studied in previous volumes of this series, contributions examine the life of Conrad and members of his close family; Conrad's literary works in relation to Polish literature; Polish reception of his oeuvre, including adaptations and educational influence, as translations, as works of art, and in schools and popular culture; the Polish Jewish experience; and exilic feelings. The coda of the volume is a study that presents a view of Russia as antithetical to Polishness. Essays range across traditional biographical criticism, literary analysis and interpretation, comparison of Conrad's literary works and their intertextual study with those by other authors and with other works of art, translation and adaptation studies, investigations of reception of literature and popular culture, archetypal criticism, and philosophical criticism. The book is volume 33 of the series Conrad: Eastern and Western Perspectives, edited by Wieslaw Krajka.

CONTRIBUTORS: Wieslaw Krajka, Lilia Omelan, Karol Samsel, Daniel Vogel, Ewa Kujawska-Lis, Olga Binczyk, Miroslawa Buchholtz, Agnieszka Adamowicz-Pośpiech, James Mellor, John G. Peters.

Wieslaw Krajka 作者作品表

New Insights Into Conrad and Poland (Paperback)

Wine in Old and New Bottles (Hardcover)

In the Realms of Biography, Literature, Politics - Polish and East-Central European Joseph Conrad (Hardcover)

Joseph Conrad - Between Literary Techniques and Their Messages (Hardcover)

Beyond the Roots - The Evolution of Conrad's Ideology and Art (Hardcover)

A Return to the Roots - Conrad, Poland, and Central Europe (Hardcover)

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