Where? (Hardcover)
作者: Jordan Collins 
書城編號: 28011297

原價: HK$190.00
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出版社: Candlewick Books
出版日期: 2024/08/06
重量: 0.57 kg
ISBN: 9781536232738

A child claims their space in the world with a hopeful response to a complicated question in this lyrical picture book.

I am from children of millions of years, a time line of humanity.
I am from this planet and all others.

When a child is once again on the receiving end of the dreaded question "Where are you from?" their answer takes readers on an intergalactic journey through the cosmos. Traveling across space and time, past collapsing stars and nebulae, the young narrator reminds us not of our differences but of our shared humanity. Debut author Jordan Collins's poetic prose, informed by lived experience, and Phil Lesnie's stunning illustrations create a powerful story that celebrates our intricate and beautiful connections with one another. End notes from author and illustrator relay more about the experiences both have had in fielding a question that may be familiar to many young readers.

Jordan Collins 作者作品表

Where? (Hardcover)

Where? (Paperback)

How to be a Fearless Firefighter (Paperback)

How to be an Awesome Astronaut (Paperback)

How to be a Brave Police Officer (Paperback)

How to be a Brilliant Doctor (Paperback)

I am Using My Words (Hardcover)

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