The Monkey Mind Workout for Perfectionism: Break Free from Anxiety and Build Self-Compassion in 30 Days! [Large Print 16 Pt Edition] (Paperback)
作者: Jennifer Shannon 
書城編號: 28014322

售價: $260.00

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出版社: Readhowyouwant
出版日期: 2022/08/24
重量: 0.28 kg
ISBN: 9781038726353

People who struggle with perfectionism often suffer from anxiety and internal anxious ''chatter, '' also known as the ''monkey mind.'' This mindset keeps them trapped in a cycle of fear, judgment, and self-doubt. In this fun and illustrated guide, psychologist and anxiety expert Jennifer Shannon presents a thirty-day workout to help readers break free from perfectionism, develop self-compassion, set realistic goals, and build the mental muscle and resilience needed to thrive in an imperfect world
Jennifer Shannon 作者作品表

The Shyness and Social Anxiety Workbook for Teens: CBT and ACT Skills to Help You Build Social Confidence [Large Print 16 Pt Edition] (Paperback)

The Monkey Mind Workout for Uncertainty: Break Free from Anxiety and Build Resilience in 30 Days! [Large Print 16 Pt Edition] (Paperback)

The Monkey Mind Workout for Perfectionism: Break Free from Anxiety and Build Self-Compassion in 30 Days! [Large Print 16 Pt Edition] (Paperback)

eBook: Do not feed the monkey''s mind - how the cycle of anxiety, fear, and dread stop ...!? (DRM EPUB)

Don't Feed the Monkey Mind: How to Stop the Cycle of Anxiety, Fear, and Worry [Standard Large Print 16 Pt Edition] (Paperback)

Teen's Guide to Getting Stuff Done (Hardcover)

Don't Feed the Monkey Mind (Hardcover)

Anxiety Survival Guide for Teens (Paperback)

Shyness and Social Anxiety Workbook for Teens (Paperback)

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