The End of College Football: On the Human Cost of an All-American Game (Paperback)
作者: Nathan Kalman-Lamb 
書城編號: 28019202

售價: $250.00

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出版社: Univ Of North Carolina Pr
出版日期: 2024/12/10
ISBN: 9781469683461

In this book, Nathan Kalman-Lamb and Derek Silva offer an existential challenge to one of America's favorite pastimes: college football. Drawing on twenty-five in-depth interviews with former players from some of the country's most prominent college football teams, Kalman-Lamb and Silva explore how football is both predicated on a foundation of coercion and suffused with racialized harm and exploitation. Through the stories of those who lived it, the authors examine the ways in which college football must be understood as a site of harm, revealing how players are systematically denied the economic value they produce for universities and offered only a devalued education in return.

By illuminating the plantation dynamics that make college football a particularly racialized form of exploitation, the book makes legible the forms of physical sacrifice that are required, the ultimate cost in health and well-being, and the coercion that drives players into the sport and compels them to endure such abusive conditions.
Nathan Kalman-Lamb 作者作品表

The End of College Football: On the Human Cost of an All-American Game (Hardcover)

The End of College Football: On the Human Cost of an All-American Game (Paperback)

The End of College Football: On the Human Cost of an All-American Game (Hardcover)

The End of College Football: On the Human Cost of an All-American Game (Paperback)

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