eBook: America's Imagined Revolution: The Historical Novel of Reconstruction (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Tomos Wallbank-Hughes, Scott Romine 
系列: Southern Literary Studies
分類: Literary studies: c 1800 to c 1900 ,
Literary studies: fiction, novelists & prose writers ,
Revolutions, uprisings, rebellions ,
English ,
書城編號: 28021548

售價: $259.00

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製造商: Lsu Press
出版日期: 2024/04/24
頁數: 244
ISBN: 9780807182345
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America's Imagined Revolution explores the Reconstruction period after the Civil War to ask narratological, historiographical, and theoretical questions about how slave emancipation has (and has not) been theorized as revolution. Reading historical fiction by authors such as George Washington Cable, Albion Tourgee, Charles Chesnutt, Frances Harper, and W. E. B. Du Bois in dialogue with nineteenth-century historical writing-and the era's legal, political, and print culture-Tomos Wallbank-Hughes excavates an evanescent form of historicist writing sensitive to the revolutionary changes that shaped life in the emancipation-era South.As an aesthetic form, the historical novel of Reconstruction poses questions about revolutionary experience in plantation societies, and in the process challenges critical assumptions about historical time in the nineteenth century: How do authors narrate epochal change that also feels like retrenchment? In what direction does history travel if it does not progress? What narratives of race, class, and region encompass both continued domination and ruptured power? By plumbing the situations that give it form, the historical novel of Reconstruction provides a window into the literary culture of the South's long nineteenth century in which, rather than a storehouse of tradition, the region became a terrain for interpreting social revolution and uncovering slavery's revolutionary afterlives.America's Imagined Revolution offers a new interpretation of the literary and historiographical significance of the Reconstruction period and its relationship to American literary history.
Southern Literary Studies

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Scott Romine 作者作品表

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