eBook: El Peru-Waka': New Archaeological Perspectives on the Kingdom of the Centipede (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Keith Eppich, Damien B. Marken, David Freidel 
系列: Maya Studies
分類: Archaeology by period / region ,
Social & cultural anthropology, ethnography ,
Guatemala ,
Pre-Columbian America  
書城編號: 28021553

售價: $1170.00

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製造商: University Press of Florida
出版日期: 2024/04/09
頁數: 420
ISBN: 9780813073156
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Recent research and discoveries at aprominent Maya rainforest cityThis volume presentsthe most current research on the ancient Maya city El Per-Waka, or Kingdomof the Centipede. Located in the Laguna del Tigre National Park of Guatemala,this city has been a major focus of recent archaeological inquiry, which hasuncovered a long occupation at the site spanning from 300 BC to 1000 CE. Thechapters in El Per-Waka examine the Maya who lived here and the rainforestcity they built, complete with its pyramids, palaces, temples, roads,reservoirs, and residences. Contributorsreconstruct urban settlement patterns, look at health and dietary differencesbetween elites and commoners, and analyze epigraphy and art, among other topics.The book includes a detailed discussion of the tomb of the citys famous queen,Lady Kabel, showing that the queens choice to be interred within Wakas mostprominent dynastic monument demonstrates the power of Maya royal women to notonly direct political discourse during their lives but also impact the reignsof their successors.Theevidence in this volume indicates the citys importance in the political andritual landscape of the Maya Lowlands, and with the sites long record ofhabitation and dense population, this book offers researchers an unmatched viewof ancient life in a tropical urban environment.Contributors: MatthewC. Ricker | Damien B. Marken | Juan Carlos Prez | Diana N. Fridberg | OliviaC. Navarro-Farr | Sarah Van Oss | David Freidel | Griselda Prez Robles | ElsaDamaris Menndez | Mary Kate Kelly | Erin E. Patterson | Michelle Rich | KeithEppichA volume in the series Maya Studies, edited byDiane Z. Chase and Arlen F. Chase
Maya Studies

eBook: El Peru-Waka': New Archaeological Perspectives on the Kingdom of the Centipede (DRM EPUB)

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Damien B. Marken 作者作品表

Building an Archaeology of Maya Urbanism: Planning and Flexibility in the American Tropics (Hardcover)

Classic Maya Polities of the Southern Lowlands: Integration, Interaction, Dissolution (hardcover)

eBook: Palenque: Recent Investigations at the Classic Maya Center (DRM PDF)

eBook: Palenque: Recent Investigations at the Classic Maya Center (DRM EPUB)

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