eBook: Truth about Confident Presenting, 3rd Edition: Becoming a Better Speaker in Ten Easy Steps (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: IV James S. O'Rourke 
分類: Public speaking guides ,
Speaking / pronunciation skills  
書城編號: 28024232

售價: $390.00

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製造商: Anthem Press
出版日期: 2024/05/14
頁數: 226
ISBN: 9781839992025
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Accomplished public speakers know that just a few enduring principles govern the key to success. James O'Rourke, a distinguished professor of management, has gathered 52 basic truths about confident presenting, organized into ten easily mastered categories.Each of these principles is based on scientific evidence and years of careful observation of highly successful public speakers. Current relevant examples and specific instructions of how to apply these truths form the centerpiece of each brief chapter. Everything you need is right here from audience research to topic selection, organization patterns, forms of evidence, principles of persuasion, delivery techniques, nonverbal mannerisms, anxiety, and event management.
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