eBook: Digital Food Provisioning in Times of Multiple Crises: How Social and Technological Innovations Shape Everyday Consumption Practices (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Arne Dulsrud, Francesca Forno 
系列: Consumption and Public Life
分類: Sociology ,
Agriculture & related industries ,
Food security & supply  
書城編號: 28024807

售價: $1424.00

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製造商: Springer International Publishing
出版日期: 2024/03/23
ISBN: 9783031463235
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This edited collection brings together theoretical and empirical reflections on the role played by new technology and digital platforms in the provision of food. The way food is produced, distributed, consumed and disposed has significant consequences for the environment, affecting soil fertility, water and air quality, the state of the climate and the loss of biodiversity. Such negative effects are strictly related to the agro-industrial system of production and consumption, based on logic of low prices, high availability and high waste.This collection brings together a carefully curated range of insights from a team of twenty researchers coming from different fields working in different European universities engaged in the same project for more than three years. As a result, this book will appeal to people working on food studies and on sustainable food production and consumption, offering both conceptual-theoretical insights into contemporary food issues alongside empirical illustrations.
Consumption and Public Life

eBook: Digital Food Provisioning in Times of Multiple Crises: How Social and Technological Innovations Shape Everyday Consumption Practices (DRM PDF)

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