The Magic of Redemption (Paperback)
作者: Jessica Sly 
書城編號: 28030058

原價: HK$160.00
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出版社: Mountain Brook Ink
出版日期: 2024/05/01
重量: 0.38 kg
ISBN: 9781953957429


Can Adelynn and Baze overcome the obstacles and lies that separate them . . . or is redemption just out of reach?

After escaping Ireland's most sinister criminal, Baze and Adelynn Ford realize they must change tactics if they want to survive, but it's not an easy task given the rift that's forming between the couple. Baze's past traumas are tainting the hard decisions he faces in both his family and career, while Adelynn does the unthinkable: using her gift to plunge into Shay O'Sullivan's mind. It works-she discovers his hiding place. But it also triggers a string of deadly visions they can't ignore.

Together, Baze and Adelynn decide it's time to bring the fight to Shay's homeland. With Emily Bennett and her young son in tow, they infiltrate Dublin, a city swirling with tension and rumors of rebellion. When Adelynn's visions begin to come true, their small group must rely on old and new allies to stop Shay before it's too late.

In this dramatic conclusion, Baze and Adelynn will have to conquer their demons and defeat their enemies before anyone else-including themselves-is lost.

Jessica Sly 作者作品表

The Magic of Redemption (Paperback)

The Art of Misdirection (Paperback)

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