A Person Is a Prayer (Paperback)
作者: Ammar Kalia 
分類: Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)  
書城編號: 28031857

原價: HK$210.00
現售: HK$199.5 節省: HK$10.5

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出版社: Oldcastle Books Ltd
出版日期: 2024/05/30
頁數: 288
尺寸: 234 x 153 mm
ISBN: 9780857305893

An intensely moving, lyrical and often funny novel about a family whose story of migration from Kenya and India to England is told over three separate days, across six decades.

Bedi and Sushma's marriage is arranged. When they first meet, they stumble through a faltering conversation about happiness and hope and agree to go in search of these things together. But even after their children Selena, Tara and Rohan are grown up and have their own families, Bedi and Sushma are still searching.

Years later, the siblings attempt to navigate life without their parents. As they travel to the Ganges to unite their father's ashes with the opaque water, it becomes clear that each of them has inherited the same desire to understand what makes a life happy, the same confusion about this question and the same enduring hope.

A Person is a Prayer plumbs the depths of the spaces between family members and the silence that rushes in like a flood when communication deteriorates. It is about how short a life is and how the choices we make can ripple down generations.

Ammar Kalia 作者作品表

A Person Is a Prayer (Compact Disc)

A Person is a Prayer (Hardcover)

A Person Is a Prayer (Paperback)

eBook: Person is a Prayer: An intensely moving, lyrical and funny debut novel about one family's migration from Kenya and India (DRM EPUB)

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