Python Polars: The Definitive Guide: Transforming, Analyzing, and Visualizing Data with a Fast and Expressive Dataframe API (Paperback)
分類: Computer programming / software development ,
Web programming ,
Web services ,
Programming & scripting languages: general ,
Computer science  
書城編號: 28031926

原價: HK$800.00
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出版社: Oreilly Media
出版日期: 2024/12/31 (快將出版)
ISBN: 9781098156084


Want to speed up your data analysis and work with larger-than-memory datasets? Python Polars offers a blazingly fast, multithreaded, and elegant API for data loading, manipulation, and processing. With this hands-on guide, you'll walk through every aspect of Polars and learn how to tackle practical use cases using real-world datasets.

Jeroen Janssens and Thijs Nieuwdorp from Xomnia in Amsterdam show you how this superfast DataFrame library is perfect for efficient data wrangling, ETL pipelines, and so much more. This book helps you quickly learn the syntax and understand Polars' underlying concepts. You don't need to have experience with pandas or Spark, but if you do, this book will help you make a smooth transition.

With this definitive guide at your side, you'll be able to:

  • Process larger-than-memory datasets at record speed
  • Apply the eager, lazy, and streaming APIs of Polars and decide when to use them
  • Transition smoothly from pandas or Spark to Polars
  • Integrate Polars into your existing code base
  • Work with Arrow and Parquet to efficiently read and write data
  • Translate complex ETL tasks into efficient and elegant queries
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