Lucky Rat (Hardcover)
作者: Leanna Koch 
書城編號: 28032329

原價: HK$227.00
現售: HK$215.65 節省: HK$11.35

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出版社: Picture Window Books
出版日期: 2024/08/01
重量: 0.2 kg
ISBN: 9780756596439

Pam is competing in a gym show. She decides to sneak in her pet rat to bring her good luck, but he goes missing. Will she be able to find her lucky rat? Stairway Decodables is a supplemental phonics resource that's perfect for supporting small group instruction, independent reading, or reading practice at home. This title provides practice in decoding words with consonant digraphs th and sh.
Leanna Koch 作者作品表

Stairway Decodables Step 1 (8-Book Boxed Set #1) (Paperback)

Princess Grace Is Saved (Hardcover)

Sage's Plants (Hardcover)

Save the Zoo (Hardcover)

Truck Pals (Hardcover)

Truck Race (Hardcover)

Birthday Party with Squish and Squeeze (Hardcover)

Drew's New Fits (Hardcover)

Eel Hides (Hardcover)

Tim's Got This! (Hardcover)

Summer at the Park (Hardcover)

Snorp at the Snowboard Park (Hardcover)

Dino Game (Hardcover)

Fair Play (Hardcover)

In the Mud (Hardcover)

Save the Zoo (Paperback)

Lucky Rat (Hardcover)

Will's Friend (Hardcover)

Let's Get Some Shells (Hardcover)

Attack of the Slime (Hardcover)

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