Near and Far Waters: The Geopolitics of Seapower (Hardcover)
作者: Colin Flint 
書城編號: 28032529

售價: $1050.00

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出版社: Stanford Univ Pr
出版日期: 2024/07/30
重量: 0.53 kg
ISBN: 9781503639645


Seapower has been a constant in world politics, a tool through which powerful countries have policed the seas for commercial advantage. Political geographer Colin Flint highlights the geography of seapower as a dynamic, continual struggle to gain control of near waters-those parts of the oceans close to a country's shoreline-and far waters-parts of the oceans beyond the horizon and that neighbor the shorelines of other countries. A forceful and clarifying challenge to conventional accounts of geopolitics, Near and Far Waters offers an accessible introduction to the combination of economic and political relations that are the reason behind, and the result of, the development of seapower to control near waters and project force into far waters.

Examining the histories of three naval powers (the Netherlands, Britain, and the United States), this book distills the past and present patterns of seapower and their tendency to trigger repercussive conflict and war. Readers will gain an appreciation for how geopolitics works, the importance of seapower in economic competition, the motivations behind China's desire to become a global naval force, and the risks of current and future wars. Drawing on decades of experience, Flint urges readers to take seriously the dilemma of near/far waters as a context for an alternative understanding of global politics.

Colin Flint 作者作品表

eBook: Near and Far Waters: The Geopolitics of Seapower (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Near and Far Waters: The Geopolitics of Seapower (DRM PDF)

Near and Far Waters: The Geopolitics of Seapower (Paperback)

Near and Far Waters: The Geopolitics of Seapower (Hardcover)

eBook: Introduction to Geopolitics (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Introduction to Geopolitics (DRM PDF)

Political Geography (Paperback)

Introduction to Geopolitics (Paperback)

eBook: Geopolitical Constructs: The Mulberry Harbours, World War Two, and the Making of a Militarized Transatlantic (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Geopolitical Constructs: The Mulberry Harbours, World War Two, and the Making of a Militarized Transatlantic (DRM PDF)

eBook: Spaces of Hate: Geographies of Discrimination and Intolerance in the U.S.A. (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Spaces of Hate: Geographies of Discrimination and Intolerance in the U.S.A. (DRM PDF)

Introduction to Geopolitics (Paperback)

Political Geography (Paperback)

eBook: Introduction to Geopolitics (DRM PDF)

eBook: Geography of War and Peace: From Death Camps to Diplomats (DRM PDF)

Spaces of Hate: Geographies of Discrimination and Intolerance in the U.S.A. (Paperback)

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