Facial Expressions for Artists: Techniques for Capturing Emotion and Mood in Portrait and Character Drawings (Paperback)
作者: Oliver Sin 
分類: Drawing & drawings ,
Portraits in art ,
Painting & art manuals  
書城編號: 28036706

原價: HK$270.00
現售: HK$256.5 節省: HK$13.5

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出版社: Rockport Publishers
出版日期: 2024/11/19
重量: 0.68 kg
ISBN: 9780760382400


Breathe life into your portraiture with this inclusive guide to drawing the full range of human emotions, from fear to rage, grief to joy.

An accurate depiction of a subject or character's facial expression is the key to conveying their individuality as well as authentic emotion or mood. Written and illustrated by Oliver Sin, celebrated portrait artist, veteran instructor, and author of Drawing the Head for Artists, Facial Expressions for Artists:

  • Shows how the skull and facial musculature translate into the planes of the face
  • Covers subtle emotions like anxiety and irritation as well as unrestrained ones like exuberance and despair
  • Features models of all ages and a variety of facial types and ethnic and racial backgrounds

Whatever your skill level, and whether you're drawing or painting an individual's portrait or developing a character-driven story, Facial Expressions for Artists will inspire and inform you on how to successfully portray authentically expressive and distinctive emotions in your drawings.

The For Artists series expertly guides and instructs artists at all skill levels who want to develop their classical drawing and painting skills and create realistic and representational art.

Also available from the series: Drawing the Head for Artists, Essential Human Anatomy for Artists, Figure Drawing for Artists, Life Drawing for Artists, Drawing and Painting Botanicals for Artists, Dynamic Still Life for Artists, Landscape Painter's Workbook, Plein Air Techniques for Artists, and Sketching Techniques for Artists.

Oliver Sin 作者作品表

Drawing the Head for Artists (Paperback)

eBook: Drawing the Head for Artists: Techniques for Mastering Expressive Portraiture (DRM EPUB)

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