Introduction to Human Geography (Paperback)
作者: Alex Woolf 
書城編號: 28037352

原價: HK$156.00
現售: HK$148.2 節省: HK$7.8

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出版社: Cherry Lake Pub
出版日期: 2024/08/01
重量: 0.11 kg
ISBN: 9781668948583

Encourage independent content reading with this decodable title introducing key geography standards about people and places. Perfect for differentiating instruction for those readers in need of foundational reading skill support. In collaboration with World Book, this decodable series takes readers on a colorful journey across Earth's physical features, exploring oceans, atmosphere, biomes, and more!
Alex Woolf 作者作品表

Super Poopers (Paperback)

The Extraordinary Ideas of Leonardo Da Vinci: Big Ideas for Curious Minds (Hardcover)

Money: A Richly Illustrated History (Hardcover)

The History of the World: The Story of Mankind from Prehistory to the Modern Day (Paperback)

What Can We Do?: Disease (Paperback)

Human Geography (Paperback)

Earth in Space (Paperback)

Atmosphere and Weather (Paperback)

Introduction to Human Geography (Paperback)

Introduction to Human Geography (Library Binding)

What Can We Do?: War (Paperback)

Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity: Big Ideas for Curious Minds (Hardcover)

Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity: Big Ideas for Curious Minds (Hardcover)

Facial Recognition and Other Security Tech (Paperback)

Escape Room - a la Caza del Agente 9 (Hardcover)

Escape Room - El Gran Caso de Sherlock (Hardcover)

eBook: Disease (DRM EPUB)

What Can We Do?: Disease (Hardcover)

What Can We Do?: War (Hardcover)

eBook: War (DRM EPUB)

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