Sherlock Holmes' Ingenious Puzzles: Over 100 Brainteasers for Kids (Paperback)
作者: Alex Paterson 
書城編號: 28050041

原價: HK$70.00
現售: HK$66.5 節省: HK$3.5

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出版社: Arcturus Ed
出版日期: 2024/10/01
重量: 0.09 kg
ISBN: 9781398843677


Do you have the sleuthing skills to keep up with Sherlock Holmes? Then grab your deerstalker and magnifying glass ... because the game is on!

Clever kids will relish the opportunity to pit their wits against the world's greatest detective in this collection of hugely entertaining puzzles and enigmas.

Each page of this fast-paced book presents the reader with a clever conundrum, wittily illustrated in the inimitable art style of Alex Paterson. These puzzles are framed as conversations between Sherlock Holmes and his ever-faithful companion, Doctor Watson. Kids are invited to use their observation, logic, and lateral thinking skills to find the solutions!

If you know a young fan of riddles, wordplay, and sneaky logic puzzles, then this book is sure to keep them entertained for hours.

Ideal for children aged 8+.

ABOUT THE SERIES: The Solve it Like Sherlock series invites children to join detective Sherlock Holmes on his sleuthing adventures. Together they can solve a series of entertaining puzzles, each presented as scenarios that Sherlock himself might face!

Alex Paterson 作者作品表

Sherlock Holmes' Ingenious Puzzles: Over 100 Brainteasers for Kids (Paperback)

Sherlock Holmes' Brainteasing Puzzles: Over 100 Mind-Bending Riddles for Kids (Paperback)

eBook: Belly Laugh Scary, Spooky Halloween Jokes for Kids: 350 Scary Jokes! (DRM EPUB)

Belly Laugh Fart Jokes for Kids (Hardcover)

eBook: Belly Laugh Fart Jokes for Kids: 350 Hilarious Fart Jokes (DRM EPUB)

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