Raising Disciples: Guiding Your Kids Into a Faith of Their Own (Paperback)
作者: Teresa Roberts 
書城編號: 28054257

原價: HK$190.00
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出版社: Nav Pr
出版日期: 2024/10/08
重量: 0.18 kg
ISBN: 9781641588638

Every child--from infancy to adolescence--is being discipled by someone or something. The question is: Are you willing to disciple them for Jesus' sake?

Accessible and actionable for parents of children birth to 13 years old, Raising Disciples offers a detailed discipleship map and directional markers to nurture your child's spiritual growth with Christ.

During her more than 25 years in children's ministry alongside her academic work training up children's ministry leaders, Dr. Teresa Roberts noticed that parents and even children's ministry leaders seemed to struggle with knowing how to disciple children past the more-intuitive preschool ages. A foundational family and ministry resource, Raising Disciples reflects the developmental needs that will empower children to grow in their knowledge of God's Word, develop a vocabulary of faith, engage in spiritual practices, and cultivate a deep, personal relationship with God. Featuring intuitive, quick-reference visual aids, researched expertise, real-life examples from the ministry of Jesus, and relational warmth, Raising Disciples is a must-have resource to give you a discipleship pathway for raising spiritually grounded children in today's complex world.

Includes additional tools:
  • Discipleship map from birth to adolescence
  • Discipleship reference by age level
  • Resource list for continued discipleship and training in biblical interpretation
  • Discussion questions for children's ministry leaders and volunteers
Learn how to equip your child with tools to navigate life's challenges and make their Christian faith a personal and lasting commitment.
Teresa Roberts 作者作品表

Raising Disciples: Guiding Your Kids Into a Faith of Their Own (Paperback)

eBook: Raising Disciples (DRM EPUB)

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