The Carrot Seed: 75th Anniversary (Hardcover)
作者: Ruth Krauss, Crockett Johnson 
書城編號: 280552

原價: HK$200.00
現售: HK$190 節省: HK$10

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出版社: HarperCollins
出版日期: 2020/05/19
頁數: 32
重量: 0.18 kg
ISBN: 9780060233501


Celebrate 75 years of The Carrot Seed with a new foreword from Caldecott Honor picture book creator Kevin Henkes

When a little boy plants a carrot seed, everyone tells him it won't grow. But when you are very young, there are some things that you just know, and the little boy knows that one day a carrot will come up. So he waters his seed, and pulls the weeds, and he waits...

This beloved classic celebrates patience, determination, and believing in yourself. First published in 1945 and never out of print, the timeless combination of Ruth Krauss's simple text and Crockett Johnson's eloquent illustrations creates a triumphant and deeply satisfying story for readers of all ages.

Ruth Krauss 作者作品表

Somebody Else's Nut Tree and Other Tales from Children (Hardcover)

I'll Be You and You Be Me (Hardcover)

A Hole Is to Dig (Hardcover)

Everything Under a Mushroom (Hardcover)

The Backward Day (Hardcover)

The Carrot Seed Board Book (hardcover)

The Carrot Seed (Anniversary) (paperback)

Roar Like a Dandelion (Hardcover)

Growing Story (Paperback)

Backward Day (Hardcover)

I Can Fly (hardcover)

A Very Special House (hardcover)

A Hole Is to Dig (paperback)

A Hole Is to Dig (hardcover)

Crockett Johnson 作者作品表

Barnaby Volume Four (Hardcover)

Harold's Treasure Hunt (Hardcover)

Harold's Imagination: 3 Adventures with the Purple Crayon (Hardcover)

Barnaby Volume Three (hardcover)

Harold and the Purple Crayon (Hardcover)

Harold and the Purple Crayon Board Book

Harold and the Purple Crayon (Paperback)

eBook: Ellen's Lion (DRM EPUB)

Harold's Fairy Tale (Further Adventures of with the Purple Crayon)

A Picture for Harold's Room (paperback)

Harold and the Purple Crayon (paperback)

Harold's ABC

Harold's Circus

Harold's Trip to the Sky

Harold and the Purple Crayon

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