Lore of the Deep: Folklore & Wisdom from the Watery Wilds (Hardcover)
作者: Claire Cock-Starkey 
書城編號: 28067974

原價: HK$250.00
現售: HK$237.5 節省: HK$12.5

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出版社: Wide Eyed Ed
出版日期: 2024/10/01
重量: 0.66 kg
ISBN: 9780711287716

Discover the world beneath the waves with this magically illustrated treasury of folklore from the ocean deeps.

Do you know the story of the ghost ship Mary Celeste? Or the myths behind seaquakes and tsunamis? Have you heard of Nanaue, the Hawaiian King of the Sharks?

For millennia, humans have lived on and around the sea, relying on it for food, trade, and exploration. The myths, folktales, and lore that have washed up from that relationship are as mysterious as they are varied--here, they're set down in a diverse and engaging format for readers 6-12 years old. Lore of the Deep takes readers out to sea and onto the tides of time to discover the myriad answers to our most ancient questions.

Divided into six chapters:

  • Mythical Seas & Oceans
  • Creatures of the Seas & Oceans
  • Seafarers
  • Stormy Waters
  • Ocean Landscapes
  • Ominous Oceans
You will uncover the ancient traditions of sailors, shapeshifting underwater spirits, stories that explain the origin of the world's oceans, and the gods and goddesses believed to rule over the deep.

Also in the series:

  • Lore of the Wild: Folklore and Wisdom from Nature
  • Lore of the Land: Folklore and Wisdom from the Wild Earth
  • Lore of the Stars: Folklore and Wisdom from the Skies Above
Claire Cock-Starkey 作者作品表

Lore of the Deep: Folklore & Wisdom from the Watery Wilds (Hardcover)

Lore of the Deep: Folklore & Wisdom from the Watery Wilds (Hardcover)

Folk Stories and Tall Tales (Hardcover)

Lore of the Stars: Folklore and Wisdom from the Skies Above (Hardcover)

Lore of the Stars: Folklore and Wisdom from the Skies Above (Hardcover)

Curious History of Weights & Measures, The (Hardcover)

Lore of the Land: Folklore & Wisdom from the Wild Earth (Hardcover)

Lore of the Wild: Folklore and Wisdom from Nature (Hardcover)

Museum Miscellany, A (Hardcover)

Real McCoy and 149 other Eponyms (Hardcover)

Library Lovers' Miscellany (Hardcover)

Book Lovers' Miscellany (Hardcover)

eBook: Golden Age of the Garden: A Miscellany (DRM EPUB)

Penguins, Pineapples and Pangolins (Hardcover)

How to Skin a Lion (Hardcover)

eBook: Seeing the Bigger Picture: Global Infographics (DRM EPUB)

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