True or False?: The Science of Perception, Misinformation, and Disinformation (Hardcover)
作者: Jacqueline B. Toner 
書城編號: 28068122

原價: HK$270.00
現售: HK$256.5 節省: HK$13.5

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出版社: Magination Pr
出版日期: 2024/08/06
重量: 0.77 kg
ISBN: 9781433840487

Written for pre-teens and young teens in lively text accompanied by fun facts, True or False? The Science of Perception, Misinformation, and Disinformation explores what psychology tells us about development and persistence of false perceptions and beliefs and the difficulty of correcting them, plus ways to debunk misinformation and think critically and factually about the world around us.

This book explores how we think and perceive and why false beliefs, superstitions, opinions, misinformation, or wild guesses can just stick around and mess things up. You'll see how misunderstandings and misuse of scientific findings can lead people to the wrong conclusions. Readers learn how to outsmart their brain to gain critical thinking skills and find ways to identify and correct false beliefs and disinformation.

Our big brains are super-efficient but glitchy. Scientists estimate that 90% of what we see, hear, smell, or sense never really sinks in. Instead, we pick up on the big things, general impressions, or important stuff and end up leaving our brains to fill in the missing info. And on top of that, people sometimes twist information on purpose. False beliefs can be shared from person to person or go viral in a flash, often by people who think the info is true.

So how in the world do we know what's real, what's true, or who to believe? Dig in and get the facts!

Jacqueline B. Toner 作者作品表

True or False?: The Science of Perception, Misinformation, and Disinformation (Hardcover)

Depression: A Teen's Guide to Survive and Thrive (Compact Disc)

Depression: A Teen's Guide to Survive and Thrive (MP3 CD)

Depression (Paperback)

What to Do When It's Not Fair (Paperback)

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