Dracula (Hardcover)
作者: Bram Stoker 
分類: Classic fiction (pre c 1945) ,
Horror & ghost stories  
書城編號: 28069810

原價: HK$252.00
現售: HK$239.4 節省: HK$12.6

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出版社: Union Square & Co
出版日期: 2024/11/05
ISBN: 9781454957003

As fledgling English lawyer Jonathan Harker treks into the Carpathian Mountains to complete a real estate transaction, frightened peasants warn him of horrible dangers that await him. Harker, terrified by eerie events along the way, finally meets his client, Count Dracula, a tall, gaunt old man with a surprisingly powerful handshake. Harker soon realizes that he is a prisoner in Dracula's sumptuously furnished castle--a castle strangely devoid of mirrors. Later, as fifty coffin-size boxes are brought into the castle in preparation for Dracula's departure, Harker knows that the count plans to do more in London than see the sights--and fears that the rational modern world is ill-equipped to recognize, let alone defeat, the count.
Bram Stoker 作者作品表

Dracula (New ed) (Hardcover)

Dracula (0002) (Paperback)

El Invitado de Drácula Y Otros Relatos / The Guest of Dracula and Other Stories (Hardcover)

Dracula (Hardcover)

Dracula (Hardcover)

Dracula (Collector's Edition) (Laminated Hardback with Jacket) (Hardcover)

Dracula (Hardcover)

Dracula: The Gothic Classic (Hardcover)

Dracula (Hardcover)

eBook: Dracula (The Gothic Chronicles Collection) (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Dracula (The Gothic Chronicles Collection) (DRM PDF)

Dracula (Hardcover)

Dracula (Paperback)

eBook: Dracula (DRM EPUB)

Dracula (Paperback)

Dracula (Hardcover)

Dracula (Hardcover)

The Lady of the Shroud (Paperback)

eBook: Dracula (DRM EPUB)

Dracula (Paperback)

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