The Cross and Medal of Saint Benedict: A Mystical Sign of Divine Power (Hardcover)
作者: Various Authors 
書城編號: 28069830

原價: HK$200.00
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出版社: Tan Books & Publ
出版日期: 2024/06/18
重量: 0.19 kg
ISBN: 9781505122848

The spiritual wisdom of Saint Benedict has endured for centuries and quite literally shaped Western culture from its inception. Tenets of the order, like its motto and Saint Benedict's Rule, are just as influential for lay people as they are for the Benedictine monks and nuns. The cross and medal of St. Benedict is also among the gifts bestowed by the Benedictine Order. For centuries, it has been a conduit for God's power against malicious spirits.

The history of this cross and medal--how it first came about, how it was used, and miracles attributed to its use--was not easily apparent, nor readily accessible. However, this book successfully delineates the history, theology, and potency of the cross and medal of St. Benedict. Drawing from a number of ancient and reliable sources, Fr. Robert Nixon has compiled, translated, and edited a most powerful book on the cross and medal of St. Benedict. With this book, you'll learn from various saints and holy men as the history of St. Benedict's cross and medal unfolds. In doing so, you will learn about the life and legend of St. Benedict, the Father of W

Various Authors 作者作品表

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