eBook: Things Don t Break On Their Own: A captivating, haunting, and twisty story Karin Slaughter (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Sarah Easter Collins 
分類: Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945) ,
Thriller / suspense ,
Fiction: special features  
書城編號: 28075360

售價: $221.00

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製造商: Penguin Books Ltd
出版日期: 2024/06/20
頁數: 304
ISBN: 9780241999301
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'This is the one: the next must-read, must-discuss novel' A.J. FINN'A terrific debut from a promising talent' KARIN SLAUGHTER'I will be thinking about it for years ... I loved it' GILLIAN McALLISTER---She could be anyone. She could be you.Nobody ever found out what happened to Laika Martenwood, the girl who vanished without a trace on her way to school one morning. But for her sister Willa, life shattered into tiny pieces that day, and she has never been able to put them back together again.Willa sees Laika everywhere: on buses, at parties, in busy streets. It s been twenty-five years, and the only thing that has kept her going is her belief that her sister is alive, somewhere.But when a dinner party conversation about childhood memories spirals out of control, a shattering revelation from one of the guests forces Willa to rethink everything she thought she knew about her past. And, out of the debris of that explosive evening, the truth of what really happened begins to emerge. Piece by piece.---'A genuine page-turner' ALICE FEENEY'So, so, so good' CHRIS WHITAKER'Enthralling and unmissable' EMILIA HART'Compelling' CLAIRE FULLER
Sarah Easter Collins 作者作品表

Things Don’t Break On Their Own (Paperback)

Things Don't Break on Their Own (Hardcover)

Things Don't Break on Their Own ((Large Print)) (Paperback)

eBook: Things Don't Break on Their Own (DRM EPUB)

Things Don’t Break On Their Own: ‘A captivating, haunting, and twisty story’ Karin Slaughter (Hardcover)

eBook: Things Don t Break On Their Own: A captivating, haunting, and twisty story Karin Slaughter (DRM EPUB)

Things Don't Break On Their Own: 'A captivating, haunting, and twisty story' Karin Slaughter (Paperback)

Things Don't Break on Their Own (Hardcover)

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